Minrite produces heavy mineral sands products and concentrates, including Zircon, Rutile, Ilmenite, Garnet and Monazite. The company’s in-house regulatory team also provides support to Group and third-party mining companies with prospecting and mining right applications, EIA/EMPs, water use licence applications, registrations with the National Nuclear Regulator, municipal zoning applications, air emissions licences as well as in relation to the waste regulations.


To support this human right various pieces of legislation govern almost all activities conducted in South Africa placing a significant responsibility on all companies.  The myriad of responsibilities defined in the legislation can become overwhelming for any company operating with the boundaries of South Africa.

Minrite has established its own in-house regulatory team to manage its compliance responsibilities and commitments; This team also provides both mining houses and production companies guidance on understanding the risks and obligations associated with any project in the early planning stages including:

  • Prospecting and Mining Right application process facilitation;
  • Identification of general environmental legal requirements;
  • Specialised requirements within each individual project, including guidance on empowerment requirements;
  • Facilitation of all types of environmental authorisation processes including EIA, EMP’s, water use license application, atmospheric emissions licensing and waste management applications;
  • Land acquisition and land use management processes;
  • Rehabilitation planning;

General environmental legal advice and legal assistance for expansion projects;

Land acquisition, resettlement, and compensation planning;

  • Environmental Control functions during construction and operation phases;
  • Applications for Certificates of Registration with the National Nuclear Regulator; and
  • Facilitation of general annual reporting requirements.